

Mentoring is something that can be done successfully by anybody in a position of experience. The role of the mentor is simply to nurture the mentee, encouraging them to learn, grow and upskill. This empowers them not only to perform better in their role but progress further in their career. 

Why mentoring is essential to good leadership

This empowers them not only to perform better in their role but progress further in their career.  Mentoring is super important for leaders because, put simply, it brings the best out of the people you lead. Mentoring generates confidence, inspires trust and fast-tracks team development.  

Why mentoring is essential to good leadership

A big part of your own leadership development is determining what sort of a leader you want to be. The “transformational leadership” style is often considered among the most desirable by employees. The hallmarks of transformational leadership are: 

Mentor leadership aligns perfectly with this managerial style. If it’s the route you’d like to take to become a more inspirational, more effective leader, here are some quick wins for you to try. 

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